Bruce Springsteen gets sales bump after DNC features ‘We Take Care of Our Own’

President Obama and his family have a way of boosting any pop culture entity or product they come into contact with. For instance, the president’s crooning of Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” led to a big bump in sales for the R&B legend. Now the president’s use of a new song from Bruce Springsteen’s album Wrecking Ball during the Democratic National Convention is being credited for a 409 percent increase in album sales for “The Boss”. The Huffington Post has more:

As it turns out, Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention on Sept. 6 did encourage people to do at least one thing: download Bruce Springsteen’s song “We Take Care Of Our Own,” which played immediately following the president’s remarks.

According to Billboard, sales for “We Take Care Of Our Own” jumped a ridiculous 409 percent during the weekend ending Sept. 9, which coincided with Obama’s speech. The song was downloaded 2,000 times, a total that Billboard points out is its best since March. “We Take Care of Our Own,” part of Springsteen’s 2012 album Wrecking Ball, was first released as single in January of this year.

As Forbes noted upon its release, “We Take Care Of Our Own” is like Springsteen’s “Born In The U.S.A.”: a searing critique of American policies masquerading as a fist-pumping arena anthem. During one part of the song, Springsteen sings: “I been stumbling on good hearts turned to stone / The road of good intentions has gone dry as bone.”

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