Is this the most outrageous anti-Obama newspaper ad yet?

Christian schools “forced to hire non-Christian teachers” … “homosexuals buying surrogate babies” … the Muslim Brotherhood choosing police staff … and of course, Sharia law. Those are just some of the horrors a new ad campaign claims await America if “Barack Hussein Obama” is re-elected.

The full-page ad, which ran in swing state newspapers in Florida, Ohio, Iowa and Pennsylvania from September 5th through the 25th, and most recently in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune (which later apologized to its readers for running it), claims that Obama “will move America to” all sorts of dastardly ends, including forcing “Christian organizations to pay for abortions,” forcing “all states to permit same sex ‘marriages,'” forcing doctors to “assist homosexuals in buying surrogate babies,” making employers giving the jobs of U.S. citizens to illegal immigrants, force military chaplains to perform same-sex marriages, and force courts to “accept Islamic Sharia Law in domestic disputes.” In the dystopian future imagined in the ad, Occupy protesters will be allowed to live in the nation’s parks, whether local authorities like it or not, and Obama will “force creation [sic] of a permanent government funded underclass.”

The ad, which calls on those who oppose these horrors to “say NO to Barack Hussein Obama’s vision for America on Election Day,” was paid for by GINGPAC. The “GING” in GINGPAC stands for “Government is not God,” and the organization is chaired by man named William Murray, who claims in a Youtube video that so far has garnered just 612 views, that he is based in Washington, where he “interacts” with the lawmakers GINGPAC has helped get elected, naming Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Florida Rep. Allen West, both tea party Republicans, as examples.

The ad drew protests, and a smackdown from Politifact Florida (plus a “pants on fire.”)

According to Mother Jones magazine, Murray is an evangelical former Rick Santorum supporter during the primary, and “the son of famed atheist activist Madalyn Murray O’Hair.” He is also a “big supporter” of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, who made a name for himself recently by saying that during rape, women’s bodies could naturally prevent pregnancy.

The God is not Government PAC has been around for 18 years.

Follow Joy Reid on Twitter at @gthereidreport

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