Oscar winner Morgan Freeman has one of the most endearing and recognizable voices in Hollywood history, so it makes perfect sense the Obama campaign would tap him to tell their story.
In a new 2012 campaign ad, Freeman describes how every president inherits new challenges upon taking office, but in Obama’s case “few have faced so many.”
“Four years later… Our enemies have been brought to justice. Our heroes are coming home. Assembly lines are humming again. There are still challenges to meet. Children to educate. A middle class to rebuild. But the last thing we should do…is turn back now,” says Freeman.
The acclaimed actor has grown far more vocal on politics in the past year. In July he slammed marijuana criminalization as the “stupidest law possible” and that same month he donated a whopping $1 million to a pro-Obama Super PAC, Priorities USA.
“President Obama has done a remarkable job in terrible circumstances,” Freeman said in a statement.