Colorado girl cries: 'I'm tired of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney'

There are only five days left until Election Day, but 4-year-old Abigael Evans has had enough of all the presidential campaigning.

“I’m tired of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney,” the Fort Collins, Colorado girl told her mother through tears.

Her mother, Elizabeth, told Denver’s 9News the little girl began crying as they were listening to NPR.

“That’s why you’re crying?” She asks in the video, to which Abigael nods sadly.

“It’ll be over soon, Abby,” her mother reassures her. “The election will be over soon, okay?”

NPR blogged about the video yesterday: “Oh my goodness, do we feel bad now.”

The public radio network had words of encouragement for the young girl:

On behalf of NPR and all other news outlets, we apologize to Abigael and all the many others who probably feel like her. We must confess, the campaign’s gone on long enough for us, too. Let’s keep telling ourselves: “Only a few more days, only a few more days, only a few more days.”

Elizabeth posted the video to her YouTube page on Tuesday and, as of this post, it’s received over 1.5 million views.

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