The steady stream of ugly reactions to President Barack Obama’s re-election continues.
The latest incident involves Peter Brant II, the 18-year-old son of billionaire publisher Peter Brant Sr. and former Victoria’s Secret supermodel Stephanie Seymour.
In a series of text messages to his friend Andrew Warren, which were reprinted by Jezebel, Warren whined about how a second Obama term would make him “poor.” Brant II then claimed, “I have a contingency plan. Kill Obama hahaha.”
Brant II thought their exchange was so hilarious he reportedly posted their conversation on Instagram, along with an off-color remark about women’s rights.
“HAHAHAAHAHA … won’t it be uproarious when the Secret Service stops by Chez Brant later today?” wrote Hillary Moss of New York magazine.
Peter Brant Sr. has released a statement distancing himself from his son’s remarks:
“Stephanie and I are deeply troubled and upset by our son Peter’s posts on Instagram and Twitter after the election. Even though his intentions were in jest, he is responsible for his written words and should have been more careful about how his comments may have been construed. The comments that were made are not politically or morally representative of our family or our values. Each member of our entire family believes that Peter should have serious consequences for embarrassing himself and his family and we plan on implementing these. We all love Peter very much and recognize who he is as an individual but we won’t tolerate this kind of behavior toward others. We hope that he learns from this serious mistake, matures, and goes on to make himself and his family proud.”