Solange Knowles' Afro gets a TSA pat down

It looks like singer Solange Knowles isn’t excluded from the often times annoying TSA process at airports.

Beyoncé’s younger sister jokingly vented her frustration on her Twitter page Wednesday after TSA security guards at a Miami airport searched her Afro.

“I kid you not. This just happened to me,” Knowles tweeted to her more than 1.3 million followers, linking to a news story about a Dallas woman who went through the same experience.

The singer, who’s set to release her album True by the end of this month, is known for rocking big, natural hairstyles.

She was also a spokesmodel for natural hair care line Carol’s Daughter before breaking ties with the company two months ago.

Knowles labeled the incident as “discrim-FRO-nation” before engaging her followers in a game of “What did TSA find in Solange’s Fro?”

People responded with humorous answers. One follower suggested Mitt Romney’s 5 point plan as an answer.

A number of news stories have been reported in the last two years about natural-haired women having their ‘fros searched by TSA and they often bring up issues of racial profiling.

But Solange seems to have taken the pat down in stride. Before her flight took off, she tweeted, “Me and my wig had a lot of good laughs with y’all.”

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