Teen girl attacked by classmates who were waiting for her outside her home

Sophomore Adayja Lowery of Cesar Chavez High School was bullied for months. Then, she heard a nasty rumor that a girl and her sister were planning to fight her after school.

“I am supposed to feel safe at school, but I didn’t feel safe,” she said. “I contacted my mom because I was hearing that I was going to be jumped by this girl and her sister.”

But the fight didn’t take place at school. Instead, a large group showed up at Adayja’s front door. In the footage captured from a cell phone camera, Lowery can be seen throwing the first punch. “I just got tired of it,” she said.

Adayja’s younger sister, Dayshuna, tried to break up the fight. “We were trying to get them to leave. I was trying to pull her off and her sister punched me from the side and we started fighting,” she said.

The girls’ mother, Alicia Henderson, was there when the fight broke out. While the girls are okay, with only minor cuts and bruises, she says she is too afraid to send them back to school. “If a situation like this happens and they are at home, I’m not sending them to school,” Henderson said.

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