Michelle and Malia Obama tour colleges in NYC

On Friday, Malia and Michelle Obama were spotted around New York City touring campuses. It seems Malia, who is a junior in high school, is already looking ahead to maybe follow in her father’s footsteps.

The pair were spotted touring NYU, Barnard College and the president’s alma mater, Columbia University.

With such big names touring the university, it would be nearly impossible for the students not to notice, and several took to blogs and Twitter to relay their First Family sightings.

Courtney Craig, a 21-year-old music and anthropology major at Barnard, said that the First Lady “dined with other adults I did not recognize, and her daughter, Malia, sat at a separate table nearby with a group of her friends. There were about 10 Secret Service agents sitting inside the restaurant, and about seven big black SUVs outside.”

Craig also said that when the First Lady stood to leave the Community Food & Juice, “everyone stood up and clapped for her.”

And an NYU tipster was able to share an experience riding in an elevator with the private tour. “Apparently everyone was told that the elevators were ‘shut down’ for the 10 minutes they were in the building… but I knew the truth!” the tipster said.

In addition to these New York colleges, Malia has also toured Stanford University and Berkeley.


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