Seven-year-old Taniya Jules refused to join a school fight club, so her eighth-grader “tutors” reportedly attacked her.
The shocking incident was caught on camera.
Jules’ mother, Latoya Gore, was furious, according to a New York Daily News report.
“I want to know why the children weren’t supervised,” Gore told the paper Wednesday. “And I want the eighth-graders disciplined.”
Gore said she initially got a call that her daughter “hit her head on a table,” but later learned of a “fight club” from another parent.
Watch a video clip of the alleged attack below:
She grew suspicious and went to Jules’ school PS 111 in Queens, New York, demanding to see surveillance footage of the attack.
School officials only showed a small clip of the attack, but Gore wants to see the entire 30-minute footage.
Gore returned to Jules’ school Wednesday, claiming she will be suing the city for $5.5 million.
“It is despicable that the school authorities attempted to cover up this incident by lying to Ms. Gore as to how her daughter was truly hurt,” Gore’s lawyer, Scott Rynecki, said. “There was a clear lack of supervision so as to allow these first-grade children to be assaulted in a fight club type of atmosphere.”
Sadly, other victims have also come forward.
Attorney Pamela S. Roth is representing 6-year-olds Khamani Moore and Heaven Morris. Morris was ordered to “slam [a boy] to the ground” but refused to do so.
Education Department spokesman Jason Fink has since come forward to say, “What was depicted in that video is completely unacceptable.”