Officer draws gun on innocent resident who was recording him

Rohnert Park are investigating an incident caught on camera in which an officer appears to draw his gun on a man whose only crime seems to be that he is recording the officer.

During the incident, the officer drove up to the home of Don McComas while he was loading his boat up at his home and had stopped for several minutes. McComas began to record on his phone, and the officer did as well.

The officer approached McComas and told him to take his hand out of his pocket, and McComas responded by asking him to put down his gun.

“No you don’t touch me, you don’t touch me,” McComas said as he put the items from his pocket on the car.

“Are you accusing me of a crime? Are you suspecting me of a crime,” he asked before blurting out that the police are corrupt and had done enough damage to his family.

“Are you some kind of constitutionalist, crazy guy, something like that?” the officer asked.

The officer eventually left, telling McComas to have a good day and to put the video on YouTube.

Now, the police department is reviewing the incident to look at whether or not the officer was justified in drawing his weapon.

“We’re going to look at our protocols and determine whether or not they were followed and then also look at the protocols to make sure that we’re insuring the safety of our community and our officers,” Rohnert Park City Manager Darrin Jenkins said.

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