The First Family dishes on their favorite songs, movies, moments from 2015

The president and First Lady sat down with People for a Campaign 2016 special feature in which they talked about their “favorites” of this year.

When it comes to music, Michelle Obama loves “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars, while Barack Obama loves “How Much a Dollar Cost” by Kendrick Lamar.

The president’s favorite book is Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff, while the First Lady’s is The Light of the World, Elizabeth Alexander’s memoir. Both books are about the subject of marriage.

The president’s favorite movie was The Martian, while the First Lady loved Inside Out. And while the president said that The Knick topped his list for favorite television shows, he’s also a fan of his wife’s favorite, Black-ish.

Though, of course, the president might have a favorite TV moment, and it’s not from his favorite show. Earlier, he trekked into the wilderness with Bear Grylls on Running Wild.

“The landscape was breathtaking, and so were the very real effects of climate change, which become hard to ignore when the ice is melting into your hands,” he said. “I thought it was important to talk about protecting the only planet we have, but I never thought I’d be Running Wild with Bear Grylls.”

As for their favorite moments overall in the past year?

“The gathering outside the White House following the Supreme Court rulingupholding the right of same sex couples to marry,” the president said.

“Spending time with young people is always a highlight for me – in schools, on military bases, in the White House – anywhere, really,” said the First Lady.

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