Josh Feuerstein took to Facebook to rage against the recent shootings of police officers, all while waving an FN Five-Seven, known as a “cop killer” gun.
The online pastor never named the Black Lives Matter movement specifically but said “we have this movement in America that is absolutely degrading the lives of good police officers.”
“Today, we’ve got kids that are growing up in these different homes where the parents are not respecting police or cussing them out and callin’ ’em pigs, telling kids not to trust ’em. That’s the problem!” he said.
He then held up the gun as he began to make threats using Jesus’ name.
See Also: Church community outraged after pastor is gunned down in Baltimore
“I love Jesus. I love Jesus. I’m a preacher, but you know what? I also carry an FN Five-seven. Filled with 20 rounds of pure brutality right there,” he said. “Look. I may love Jesus but if I see you pull a gun on an officer, you want to know whose side I’m on? That’s right. I’m gonna fill you with 60 rounds of pure lead. And I guarantee you you’re gonna have lead poisoning.”
“Look guys, it’s time that we as Americans, we as Christians — we’ve gotta start carrying guns.”