‘Santa is WHITE!’: Black Santa sparks outrage

When Mall of America announced that they would be hiring a black Santa this year, many people welcomed the change, while others did not.

Mall of America has hired Larry Jefferson, who is a retired U.S. Army veteran from Texas, to work at the mall for four days.

The comments concerning black Santa on the Minneapolis Star-Tribune website got so bad that they shut down their comment section for the article.

— Mall of America hires its first black Santa — 


“Looks like we had to turn comments off on story about Mall of America’s first black Santa. Merry Christmas everyone!” Scott Gillespie, the editorial editor, said.

Other articles’ comment sections around the web, as well as social media, have also been buzzing with people and their outrage over the mall hiring a Santa that wasn’t white.

Some have even gone so far as to call for a boycott. One of those people is Peter Morgan of CBS Minnesota. He wrote, “Stupid. Incredibly stupid. Santa is WHITE. BOYCOTT Mall of America. Maybe they should change their name to MALL of RAGHEAD LAND.”


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