White nationalists are being outed on Twitter, one loses his job

A Twitter account known as “Yes, You’re Racist” is exposing white nationalists and others who participated in the deadly “Unite the Right” protests this weekend.

“If you recognize any of the Nazis marching in #Charlottesville, send me their names/profiles and I’ll make them famous,” the user wrote to more than 180,000 followers, and many people responded to help identify those seen in the protests.

One of the protesters, Cole White, of California, was fired from his restaurant job as a result of his participation in the “Unite the Right” rally.

“The actions of those in Charlottesville are not supported by Top Dog,” the restaurant said in a statement posted outside their Berkeley location on Sunday, adding, “We believe in individual freedom, and voluntary association for everyone.”

Another individual who was identified as participating in the rally, Peter Cvjetanovic, 20, of Reno, Nevada, tried to clear his name after receiving a massive wave of backlash for his participation after he was identified.

“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was,” he told Channel 2 News. “I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”

The Twitter account also posted pictures of James Fields, who allegedly ran over counter protesters, injuring more than 20 people and killing one.

“Here’s a photo of the #Charlottesville killer marching w/ a neo-Nazi group,” the account tweeted. “The symbols on the shield are fasces, the root word of fascism.”

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