Angela Bassett’s stunning hair for ‘Black Panther’ took a month to create

Angela Bassett beautifully portrays the regal Queen Ramonda in Black Panther, and for most of the images you’ve probably seen of the movie, she’s wearing a gorgeous headdress.
But (spoilers), at one point in the movie, Angela Bassett takes off that headdress, and we get to see a gorgeous main of silver locks.
It’s a look that has been referred to as the “pièce de résistance wig” by the head of the film’s hair department, Camille Friend, who reportedly asked the cast to come to the set in their natural hair and promised to do the rest for them, according to Pop Sugar.
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“All of the dreads were handmade, and they were blended with four different colors,” she said in an interview with The Cut. “Once those were made — there were about 110 pieces of individual dreads — we sent those to the wigmaker [Natascha Ladek], and the wigmaker inserted them in the wig. That whole process took about a month.”
And the gorgeous look that Angela Bassett wore in Black Panther was clearly worth all of the time and effort!
‘Black Panther’ and representation
As the first Black movie in the expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther is already showing Hollywood just how much representation matters.
The biggest, Blackest movie of the year has already been breaking records and putting up huge numbers, and the President’s Day weekend debut isn’t even over yet.
But one of the biggest stories about Black Panther is not necessarily the records broken, or the money made at the box office, but the lives the film has touched. The first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to be led by a Black cast and Black director inspired the hashtag #WhatBlackPantherMeansToMe.
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The hashtag was created by Kayla Sutton, director of online marketing for Black Girl Nerds, whose 8-year-old autistic Black had been getting more and more excited for the movie with every new trailer and clip, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
So, she asked her son about his love for the movie and was touched by his explanation.
“I said, ‘Hey, why are you excited for the movie? ’Because it was just curious to me, because for him he’s young, he’s Black and autistic. I feel like he has a unique perspective on the world and he always has,” Sutton told Heat Vision. “He’s like, ‘He’s awesome, he’s like the coolest in all of the comic books and all of the stuff. And he’s Black like me.’”
It was such a powerful statement that Sutton decided to take to social media with a hashtag for others to share their stories of inspiration, and Sutton said that decision has been “just blowing me away with the response that it has gotten.”
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