Conservatives are saying Trump commuting Alice Johnson’s life sentence is proof he’s not racist, but Black Twitter is not buying it
Not so fast.
Conservatives are saying that Trump commutation of Alice Johnson's life sentence is proof that he's not racist. The Black community is not buying it.

Under the advice of Kim Kardashian (you can’t make this stuff up), Donald Trump commuted the life sentence of Alice Johnson–a 63-year-old Black woman convicted of non-violent drug offenses. Now, conservatives are using that as “proof” that Trump is not racist.
‘Racist’ Donald Trump just set Alice Johnson free from prison. Black unemployment is at an all time low. He has growing support from the black community and black celebrities. This man is the worst white supremacist in history!
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 6, 2018
Biggest magic trick is the Left convincing black people that Trump is racist. In the past month he pardoned 2 Black people that were either wrongly convicted or unfairly convicted (Alice Johnson) Let that sink in. What was Obama doing? Maybe we’ll find out in his Netflix special
— 6’7-Eleven Inches (@LeBandz_James) June 6, 2018
Trump frees Alice Johnson from prison, gets three Americans of Asian descent freed from NK & American Aya Hijazi from an Egyptian prison. Jesse Jackson also gave him an award for hiring so many minorities!
But the Libs & their propaganda arm MSM, continue calling him racist!— Jean (@watspn1013) June 7, 2018
Not So Fast
Trump pardoned a dead boxer and commuted the life sentence of a grandmother who has more years of life behind her than in front of her. He’s not getting any pats on the back from the Black community and its allies.
I don’t have much to say beyond that. Yes, pardon Alice Johnson. Absolutely.
And the president is still a racist, white supremacist, sexist/misogynist. He gets no cookies for doing the right thing.
— Charlene Carruthers (@CharleneCac) June 6, 2018
I’m so happy that Alice Johnson will soon be returning back to her family. The fact that this decision was influenced based on the flattery of a disgusting racist instead of the decency, logic and compassion of an actual leader is frightening.
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) June 6, 2018
Alice Johnson should not be in prison but nobody should doubt that this is further fodder for Trump & his base to say they aren’t racist while continuing to lock up 2.3 million black & brown people & to openly support police murder & deportations.
— #TrumpPenceMustGo (@RefuseFascism) June 6, 2018