I share a birthday (Flag Day) with Donald Trump, so I wrote him a little birthday note

Hey Trump,
You and I are probably part of the few who even know that there is such a thing as Flag Day. On June 14, 1777, when the United States of America was almost a year old, the Second Continental Congress adopted the stars and stripes as the country’s official flag.
We know about this holiday because we were both born on this auspicious day (many, many years apart).
It’s interesting that our birthday, which happens to be a very patriotic (and obscure) American holiday dedicated to the patriotic austerity of the flag, comes just days after you hugely disrespected it and our country.
In a massive breech of protocol, political integrity, and common sense, you had the gall to travel to Singapore and glad-hand with a brutal dictator whose long list of human rights violations is well-documented.
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Under Kim Jong-un’s reign in North Korea, citizens have been subjected to rape, forced abortions, enslavement, execution, political imprisonment, and starvation. Also, did you know that he’s suspected of killing his own brother? That’s just to name a few things.
Yet, when ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos pressed you about these very same issues the other day, you just shrugged your shoulders, pursed your lips (as you are wont to do) and heaped praise upon Jong-un.
Not only did you shake hands with this murderous dictator, you allowed a full show of solidarity between the U.S. and North Korea by having the flags of these nations wavering in the wind together side by side in the background of photo-ops.
All of that just to sign an un-enforceable agreement that does absolutely nothing to forward denuclearization and also gives Jong-un legitimacy of his tyrannical administration.
The world leaders have figured you out now. All they have to do is tell you the political equivalent of “you’re pretty” and you are putty in their hands. Anything for a “like.” Anything for a pat on the back.
How dare you twist the NFL players’ peaceful protest of America’s long and ongoing practice of disproportionate police brutality against Black people into some kind of “disrespect” to the flag and the national anthem as you unequivocally disrespect the flag and the (still unmet) ideals that this country was built upon.
All of that is to say, under no circumstances should you enjoy this birthday or any other Flag Day. Think about the peril you put this country and this world into with your vain antics. You enjoy being a businessman so go do that. Stop being fettered by politics and reading things (Ick nast, right?), and having to worry about things other than your hair or your tan.
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Go away. You didn’t expect to win. You did. (Sort of. HRC got you by 3 million popular votes. Ouch.) You proved something or whatever. Go home. Mar-a-Lago is waiting and everyone is ready.
And yes, this was a birthday note. I didn’t say it would be a happy one. Truth hurts.
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