Georgia triplets earn perfect GPAs to graduate summa cum laude

Georgia triplets earn perfect grades

It’s all about #BlackExcellence for triplets who recently graduated from a Georgia high school.

Making their parents proud they all finished their high school careers with a perfect 4.0. average, reports the Atlanta Black Star.

Kendall, Kolby and Sydney Belcher graduated from Ola High School in Henry County with the high honor of summa cum laude.

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“It was always expected to be at the top of our class,” Kody said.

Kendall added, “Every kid [wants to] make their parents as proud as you can. So just to see how proud they were for us on graduation. It made me super happy.”

Cathy Belcher, the triplets’ mom, said it’s been a long journey to greatness for her kids.

“They have been working for a very long time. A lot of people may think this is just high school.. we started this when they were 3 years old.”

Now as they head to college, this is where the triplets will cut the cord

Kolby and Sydney have been accepted to Georgia State University. Kendall on the other hand will attend Gordon State College.

But expect the friendly competition to continue because the trio said they want to be at the top of their class in college too.

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Black Valedictorian Barred

We’re glad these triplets got the support on their school, which is not exactly how Jaisaan Lovett felt when his Principal barred him from giving his valedictorian speech at University Preparatory Charter School for Young Men in New York.

Lovett was the first Black valedictorian and last month he said his principal let a grudge against him get in the way and refused to let him speak his truth.

The principal Joseph Munno, reportedly tried to silence Lovett since they had a strained relationship over the years, but it didn’t work.

The NY Daily News reports that Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren invited Lovett, who had served as her intern, to City Hall to give his speech in an open forum to air on the city’s official YouTube channel.

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