The Download | The Kavanaugh Vote + John Legend Fighting to Restore the Vote (WATCH)

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Today the US Senate Will be Voting whether to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court Justice.

Just yesterday in Washington DC, thousands of protesters gathered outside the Supreme Court with signs showcasing their dissaporoval of of Kavanaugh hoping to encourage the senate to vote against him.

This protest is said to be the final bid to change any undecided senators minds.

In Florida, EGOT Winner John Legend   a local high school to encourage students to use the power of their vote.

Legend was also voicing support for an amendment, which gives former felons the right to vote. If the amendment goes through 1.5 million Florida citizens will gain their right to vote back.

And speaking of Grammy winners, the recording academy just invited 900 new members to join. With these new invitees, this would make the academy 51% female and 48% people of color. Will this be a revolution for diversity to the Grammys and music industry as a whole?

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