Nicole Byer slams Netflix after being left out of ‘Nailed It!’ promo: ‘Black women are a lot of times erased’

(Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images)

(Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images)

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Nailed It! host Nicole Byer spoke out against Netflix after the streaming service caught flack on social media for a promo pic that left out.

“I remember reading somewhere that Netflix puts men on the thumbnails of shows and movies a lot, but yo — this is NUTS,” pointed out @dylsauce. “Nicole Byer IS ‘Nailed It!.'”

In a series of now-deleted tweets, Nicole Byer weighed in on the controversy.

“If Netflix didn’t sign my checks and give me a huge platform and opportunity to showcase my comedy, I would talk about how f–ked up and disrespectful this is to me a black woman,” she wrote. “Also how black women are a lot of times erased from many different conversations…I would talk about how it makes me know my true value as the host of the show where I work incredibly hard to elevate the material given to me. Lot of moments people love are improvised.”

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The comedian didn’t stop there.

“I would talk about how this essentially white washing for more views. But they sign my checks and I’m honestly so happy and grateful to and for the show and no sarcasm I love my job and wish to keep it so I’ll be quiet,” she added.

“To be clear. I know there are thumbnails with and without my face… This one just seems for lack of a better word deliberate. Again I love my job.”

It wasn’t long before Netflix replaced the image and Byers deleted the tweets and explained her reasons for doing so.

“I deleted my last set of tweets bc I talked to one the execs on my show about it and the thrilling conclusion is the removal of the image and a conversation about how the thumbnails are made and selected that I’m happy with.”

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