Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend ‘a million percent sure’ police didn’t identify themselves

Walker and Taylor both inquired 'several times' who was there when officers started knocking

Months after her fatal shooting, Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker has doubled down on previous claims that the pair didn’t hear police identify themselves the evening they raided her apartment.

In his first sit down interview with CBS This Morning, which is set to air in its entirety on Wednesday, Walker adamantly declares he’s “a million percent sure” authorities failed to announce who they were as they carried out the botched March 13th raid. 

A crowd of protesters gather near the Breonna Taylor memorial in Jefferson Square Park on October 2, 2020 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Photo by Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

In response, the startled young man says he fired his gun once after police used a battering ram to bust through Taylor’s door as part of a “no-knock” warrant that was approved in a narcotics investigation. 

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“It was dead silent in the house,” Walker said in a preview released Tuesday. “It was 12:00, 1:00 at night, or whatever time. So it was – it’s always quiet. We live in a quiet place. So if somebody was on the other side of the door saying anything, we would hear them.”

He also noted he and Taylor both inquired “several times” who was there when officers started knocking. 

“There was no response. So the next thing I know the door is flying open,” said the 27-year-old. “I’m a million percent sure that nobody identified themselves.”

“That’s why I grabbed the gun. Didn’t have a clue. I mean, if it was the police at the door, and they just said, ‘We’re the police’, me or Breonna didn’t have a reason at all not to open the door to see what they wanted,” he continued.

“That’s why I never thought it was the police. Because why would the police be coming here?”

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Walker was initially charged with attempted murder after firing a single shot that police say wounded an officer when they stormed into Taylor’s apartment. He also filed a lawsuit against the city of Louisville and its police department asserting he was the victim of misconduct the evening of the raid.

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