Trump doubles down on hateful immigration rhetoric by suing California over sanctuary city laws

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The Trump administration is suing the state of California over its immigration laws and filed a lawsuit late Tuesday.  

Top Trump officials argue that the state’s sanctuary laws are unconstitutional. These same Trump officials have attacked sanctuary jurisdictions saying that local officials are harboring dangerous criminals, according to CNN.

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The department filed a federal lawsuit against the state and its top officials to stop a cluster of so-called “sanctuary state” bills and curb immigration efforts. California Governor Edmund G. Brown and Attorney General Xavier Becerra are both named as defendants in the lawsuit.

“At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Jeff Sessions has come to California to further divide and polarize America,” Brown said in a statement. “Jeff, these political stunts may be the norm in Washington, but they don’t work here. SAD!!!”

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“No matter what happens in Washington, #California will stay the course and enforce all our laws and protect all our people,” Becerra tweeted.

War of words 

Attorney General Jeff Sessions heads west today to speak to the California Peace Officers Association.

“The Department of Justice and the Trump administration are going to fight these unjust, unfair, and unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you,” Jeff Sessions will tell law enforcement officers and leaders, according to a copy of his prepared remarks. “We are fighting to make your jobs safer and to help you reduce crime in America. And I believe that we are going to win.”

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California lawmakers vow to stand with immigrant communities in California to fight the hateful rhetoric of President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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