Aaron Schlossberg, the New York City attorney who was caught on camera spewing a vicious racist rant last week, has now issued an apology on social media.
“To the people I insulted, I apologize. Seeing myself online opened my eyes – the manner in which I expressed myself is unacceptable and is not the person I am. I see my words and actions hurt people, and for that I am deeply sorry,” he posted. “While people should be able to express themselves freely, they should do so calmly and respectfully. What the video did not convey is the real me. I am not racist.”
— AaronSchlossbergLaw (@ASchlossbergLaw) May 22, 2018
READ MORE: Why everyday racists caught on camera are finally feeling the consequences of their BS
READ MORE: Mariachi Band Delivers Epic Clapback To Racist Lawyer
After his tirade went viral, activists made sure to make his life a living hell. His law firm was besieged with one-star ratings on Yelp, he was evicted from his office space, local politicians are calling for him to be disbarred and a Mariachi band greeted him in front of his home.
For many, Schlossberg’s apology is a day late and a dollar short.
— Mary (@msmarypryor) May 22, 2018
. Translation: “I’m sorry people who know what a racist dick I am were able to ID me. I got booted from my office and I’m afraid to go home. I want you to THINK I’m sorry and hope you won’t read between the lines to see that I’m not sorry for what I said, just that I got caught.”
— Diane Pavia (@diane_pavia) May 22, 2018
Not only are you a week late but your apology is weak as hell.
Time for you to stop with the shallow shit and face your VICTIMS. You are not just a “good guy” who made “a mistake”. You have a pattern of abusing minorities.
Get involved in helping those you sought to harm.
— BIE Establishment Beltway Combative Bitch (@BravenakBlog) May 22, 2018
READ MORE: Black boy who faced racial bullying confronts school board
If you need a refresher on the original rant, here’s the video:
Who this this bigot in Midtown Manhattan? What’s his name?
Please share this.
Here he is harassing & insulting two women for speaking Spanish…TO EACH OTHER in the middle of Manhattan.
Trump has empowered ugly white people like this to say whatever they feel like saying. pic.twitter.com/WbHlet6H7c
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 16, 2018