Huggies praised for featuring Black father and baby on package of diapers

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Huggies is being hailed for celebrating Black fathers on its new packaging made with plant-based, eco-friendly materials.

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The company coupled the announcement of the new line with an image of a Black father on the packaging and it sent social media into a frenzy, The Daily Mail reports.

The box is making a buzz featuring model Orlondo Thompson with a young child named Soraya Lattimore.

Thompson feels pretty inspired by his role on the ad.

“Of all my print and commercial work, this by far is the dopest,” Thompson wrote on Instagram.

Soraya’s mom even shared a video of the little lady’s exciting response to seeing her face on the box.

There are also a variety of boxes and packages featuring a diverse group of people including white moms and dads and a Black mom and child.

The inclusive packaging is prompting positive responses from people who are compelled to purchase diapers just out of support — even if they don’t have a baby to buy them for.

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“My babies are all out of diapers they are big kids now but I’m going to buy this box just because it’s beautiful,” one mother wrote.

“I don’t even have kids and ima lowkey buy a package just to support!” another person added.

“Yesssss. This is amazing!!!! If u “buy for no reason at all” you could always donate to your local diaper drive, I know salvation army offers diapers to lower income families,” said another person.

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