NBC10 reporter Dray Clark arrested and charged with beating and choking girlfriend

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11-year-old is handcuffed

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Dray Clark, an NBC10 reporter and anchor, was arrested Friday after an alleged domestic-related assault involving his girlfriend, police said.

According to the station, the 41 year old and his girlfriend got into a heated altercation outside his house on Thursday night. The victim allegedly told police she met with Clark Friday evening at his residence in an attempt to resolve some past issues, which included a domestic-related assault in New Castle County, Del, delcotimes.com reports.

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The conversation went left when she asked to see his cell phone, and their argument escalated to violence when Clark struck her several times. When she tried to search for her own cell phone on the ground, Clark shoved her on to the pavement and choked her.

That’s when his brother came out of the house. He tried to mediate the situation and invited the two inside. The woman claims she only agreed to go into Clark’s house because her juvenile son was inside.

Once inside, the argument continued and Clark choked her again. His brother was able to calm him down, allowing the girlfriend to leave with her son without further threats and violence. As she left, both men reportedly told her to “keep the situation between us.”

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But she did the exact opposite by posting photos on her Facebook page along with details of her alleged history of domestic violence incidents involving Clark. Police said the victim called them Friday morning, and when they noticed her right eye was bruised and her upper right arm had multiple scratches, Clark was arrested.

Clark has been charged with 16 counts, including simple assault, making terroristic threats, harassment and theft.

NBC10 issued this statement via AdWeek: “Station management learned today that Dray Clark was arrested on both domestic violence related cases. We take these allegations very seriously. Effective immediately, Dray will be off the air pending the station’s investigation.”

Clark was arraigned Friday afternoon and NBC Philadelphia reports he was released on $20,000 bail.

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