Megan Thee Stallion receives Texas hero award following college graduation

The rapper was given the honor by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in recognition of her humanitarian work in her hometown of Houston, Texas.

First, she was Megan Thee Stallion. This past weekend, she became Megan Thee Graduate. Now, the rapper can add Megan Thee Hero to her growing list of accolades and monikers.

Just one day after receiving her college degree, Megan Thee Stallion, real name Megan Pete, received the 18th Congressional District Humanitarian Award, as reported by ABC News 13. The honor was given to the Houston rapper by Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Megan received the award in recognition of her humanitarian work in her native city.

Megan Thee Stallion
Megan Thee Stallion is awarded the received the 18th congressional district of Texas hero award. (Credit: Megan Thee Stallion/Twitter)

The award certificate cited her local philanthropic works, reading, “She maintained a passion for philanthropy with a specific focus on education, elder care, mental health, and women’s empowerment. As her career blossomed, Megan began to identify different ways to leverage her public platform to uplift overlooked communities in her hometown.”

It went on to detail how Megan donated proceeds from her breakout single “Savage” to Bread of Life, a Houston-based non-profit organization, providing food, water, and other relief to families in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

“This award has not been given out often, or to many,” Lee said. “That is why it remains a special part in our congressional district. The district has almost 1 million people. When this award is given, it has that special promise and special history.”

Megan received the award with humility and grace.

“I’m so honored,” the “Savage” rapper said. “It’s my responsibility to take care of the city that took care of me. My grandma always taught me to be kind and giving. I learned that from her.”

She went on to dedicate the award to both her grandmother and her mother.

“I was raised by very giving women,” Megan continued. “So I want to dedicate this award to my grandma because she taught me to be the woman I am today.”

The three-time Grammy winner also acknowledged her honor for her fans on her Instagram page. Among the photo collage of the day’s events was her holding the honor. In the caption, she indicated that her ability to help others superseded the award itself, writing, “although I appreciate the recognition I’m just happy that I am able to give back to and put smiles on the faces of the people in my city.”

The honor came just a day after Megan received her Bachelor of Science in Health Administration from Texas Southern University (TSU) on Sunday, as theGrio reported. She was originally enrolled at Prairie View A&M University before taking time off in 2013 to focus on her music career. She was able to complete her degree after she transferred to TSU and took online classes part-time.

Megan, once again, gave honor to her grandmother and mother, who passed away in 2019 of brain cancer.

“I’m doing it for me, but I’m also doing it for the women in my family who made me who I am today,” Megan said.

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