‘We’re more American than your wife!’: Cartoon versions of AOC and #TheSquad clap back at Trump in new ‘Simpsons’ episode
A new Simpsons clip imagines a world where the four progressive Democrat congresswomen of color known as "The Squad," get their chance to confront Trump.

A new clip from the creators of The Simpsons imagines a world where the four progressive Democrat congresswomen of color known as “The Squad,” get their chance to confront Donald Trump face to face.
Previously, the president made headlines for suggesting new U.S. representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley should, “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
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According to Rolling Stone, a new West Side Story spoof from the edgy cartoon makes a parody of the incident and what would happen if all parties involved stopped arguing on Twitter and to the press and were instead tasked with speaking in person.
“So many problems, tariffs—I need a distraction,” Trump laments at the beginning of the 90-second clip, before picking up a framed picture of the four women. Then he breaks into a musical number singing, “They shouldn’t be in America/No one but me America/No taxes for me in America/This is my natural hair-ica!”
Suddenly The Squad leaps out of the photo and Omar claps back with, “We’re more American than your wife,” to which the president pushes back with, “She’s not a big presence in my life.”
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The verbal jabs continue, culminating in the ladies singing in unison over a cowering and defeated Trump, “You’re Boris Johnson without the class. Can’t wait to see you behind prison glass. Your nose is right up Putin’s ass. We say it’s time to impeach you fast.”
The video ends with Trump getting swept up in a dance routine with all of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates. Unfortunately he can’t keep up with the high kicks and runs out of breath.
“Who’s the old man now?” an animated version of Biden quips triumphantly.
The 30th season of The Simpsons kicks off on September 29th on Fox.