Black student announcing ‘too many white people’ at UVA multicultural center goes viral

University of Virginia (Credit: Dan Addison, University Communications)

University of Virginia (Credit: Dan Addison, University Communications)

A yet to be identified Black student at the University of Virginia has gone viral after a video was published of her announcing to everyone that there were “too many white people” in the school’s multicultural center.

According to the Daily Mail, conservative pundits shared the video of the woman appearing to ask her white school mates to be mindful of their presence in the space. The UVA put out a statement reminding the public that the space was in fact specifically intended as safe spaces for minority students.

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Many predominantly white colleges and universities across the country have these designated areas that while open to all, are meant to provide a reprieve for students of color.

To that point, in the clip that’s now been shared all over the internet, the young woman states to everyone, “If you all didn’t know, this is an MSC (multicultural student center) and frankly there are just too many white people in here.”

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“This is a space for people of color,” she continues. “So just be really cognizant of the space you’re taking up because it does make some of us POCs feel uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here.”

While the student never asked anyone to leave the space, her choice of words caused an immediate backlash from conservative circles on social media while others offered words of support about the validity of her statements.

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In the wake of the public scrutiny, university president, Jim Ryan explained that the new multicultural areas can be enjoyed by all students, via a statement that read: “In order to foster the diversity of experience and ideas that make UVA a great and good place to study and work, these centers are open to all members of the university community.”

But UVA’s website acknowledges that the spaces aim to, “promote inclusion and engagement for historically underrepresented students.”

Many may recall that in 2017, UVA’s Charlottesville campus was the location where a Unite The Right white-supremacist rally occurred, which resulted in one counter-protester getting killed.

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