
Black men and cancer, Cancer deaths, Cancer deaths and Black men, Black male cancer risk, Cancer deaths rising in men, Black male cancer death rate,
At least three cancers with high mortality risk impact Black men disproportionately.
/ August 15, 2024
Major age-related changes reportedly spike during one’s mid-40s and early 60s, according to new research.
/ August 15, 2024
EpiPen, Neffy anaphylactic shock, anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis, anaphylaxis treatment, epinephrine, Food allergies, severe allergies, Black people with severe allergies, Black rates of allergies, Neffy, Black health and wellness,
A new epinephrine nasal spray is huge news for Blacks, who suffer from higher rates of severe, life-threatening food allergies.
/ August 13, 2024
Parkinson's, Parkinson's disease, exercise and Parkinson's, Black people and Parkinson's, Black communities and Parkinson's, Parkinson's treatments, Parkinson's therapies, medical bias, Parkinson's underdiagnosis,
Recent research indicates a novel risk factor for Parkinson’s among Black populations. Many Black people don’t know they have the disease.
disordered eating, TikTok, Instagram, social media, social media's impact, mental health, body image, Black women's health and wellness,
Women who watched explicitly “pro-anorexia” content on TikTok for less than 10 minutes reported higher levels of dissatisfaction with body…
/ August 12, 2024
IUD, IUD insertion, intrauterine device, IUD pain,
After renewed calls on social media, the CDC released new guidance on pain management during IUD insertion.
/ August 12, 2024
Ariana Ramsey, Paris Olympics 2024, Summer Olympics 20224, universal healthcare,
Rugby star Ariana Ramsey has been taking full advantage of the free healthcare offered to Olympians in the Paris Olympic…
/ August 9, 2024