
Walking, hot girl walks, 10k steps a day, do you need 10k steps a day?, What is a Hot Girl Walk meaning?, benefits of walking, walking benefits, do you need 10k steps a day?, Is it not necessary to take 10000 steps?, how many steps do you need daily?, Do you really need to count your steps?, What is the benefit of walking?, Can you lose belly fat by walking?, walking mental health benefits, walking mental health, walking physical health, walking physical health benefits
From “Hot Girl Walks” to 10,000 daily steps, social media is infatuated with walking. Here’s the real hype about this…
/ July 17, 2024
How to prevent cancer, Is cancer preventable, reducing cancer risks, Cancer, cancer risks, smoking, lung cancer,
Smoking, alcohol, lack of physical activity, and more easy-to-avoid risk factors are associated with almost half of all cancers in…
/ July 15, 2024
Toxic tampons, reproductive health, Black health and wellness,
Researchers found 16 different toxic metals, including lead and arsenic, in two dozen brands of tampons.
/ July 15, 2024
Supacell Netflix, Netflix Supacell, Supacell sickle cell, sickle cell disease Supacell, Sickle cell disease Black people, Is Supacell about sickle cell?, What happens in Supacell?
Netflix’s new show “Supacell” combines science fiction and fantasy to highlight Black communities’ ongoing struggle with sickle cell disease.
/ July 12, 2024
Around six in 10 Americans now think their state should allow a person to obtain a legal abortion if they…
/ July 10, 2024
Does alcohol affect you differently on a plane?, How does altitude affect drinking alcohol?, altitude alcohol, drinking alcohol on a plane, Is it bad to drink on a flight?, travel tips, is drinking on the plane bad for you?
Before asking for a cocktail or glass of wine on your next flight, understand what combining alcohol and altitude can…
/ July 9, 2024
Black doctors, percentage of Black doctors, Black doctors in Mississippi, lack of Black doctors, KFF Health News, Black medical students, percentage of Black medical students, medical discrimination, medical bias,
An estimated 1.1 million Black people live in Mississippi, but there are fewer than 600 Black doctors.