R. Kelly accusers head to Chicago to view alleged sex tape to possibly identify abuse victim

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(Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

(Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

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Attorney Gerald Griggs said that his Atlanta-based clients who have previously accused R. Kelly of sexual abuse are preparing to head to Chicago to meet with Cook County, Ill. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx to view a tape that another attorney, Michael Avenatti, claims to possess which allegedly shows the singer having sex with an underaged girl, WSBTV reports.

“I think there’s a distinct possibility they can tell Ms. Foxx who’s in it and identify individuals in the tape,” said Griggs. “Hopefully this will be the break in the case that forces charges because we know there’s sufficient evidence to proceed both in Chicago and in Atlanta.”

READ MORE: New R. Kelly Sex Tape: Michael Avenatti claims he has new 45-minute video showing singer sexually abusing underage girl

Avenetti, who was lawyer for Stormy Daniels during her affair accusation scandal with President Trump, is representing a man he calls a whistleblower against Kelly. He claims the tape has never been previously disclosed or been seen by law enforcement until now. He also maintains that the timeframe of the sexual assault depicted in the video falls within the Illinois statute of limitations.

He says he handed the tape to Foxx’s office in Chicago last weekend.

“Included in the evidence we recently uncovered and recovered is a VHS videotape of Mr. Kelly engaging in multiple sexual assaults of a girl underage,”Avenatti wrote. “This tape, which is clear, is approximately 45 minutes in length and has never previously been publicly disclosed or, until recently, provided to law enforcement.”

READ MORE: We cannot seek justice without you’: Chicago’s top prosecutor urges R. Kelly’s victims to come forward

The attorney for Atlanta accusers in the alleged R. Kelly sex abuse case confirmed to WSB his clients are heading to meet with a top Chicago prosecutor. The meeting is tied to a newly released tape that allegedly shows the R&B singer having sex with a minor.

Kim Foxx is the Cook County, Illinois state prosecutor who has asked Kelly accusers to come forward since the recent release of a Lifetime docu-series “Surviving R. Kelly.” The series documents decades-old and recent allegations of sex trafficking and abuse orchestrated by the music star.

Avenatti released his statement claiming new evidence against Kelly on Thursday. The tape mirrors evidence that was brought forth against Kelly when he was acquitted of child pornography charges in 2008.

He added that the tape was recorded in a time period that doesn’t exceed Illinois investigation statute of limitations.

Griggs represents an unidentified Kelly sex abuse accuser and the parents of Jocelyn Savage, who said their daughter is still with Kelly. The Savages were also featured in the Surviving R. Kelly docu-series, which implicates him in the abuse of several underage girls and women over the course of years.

Griggs said the meeting with Foxx was set to happen on Friday.

READ MORE: Parents who say R. Kelly is holding their daughter captive plead for her release ‘You need to turn yourself in, let these girls go’

“This is information that was present in 2017 in Atlanta,” Griggs said. “We’re still concerned-Fulton County — why there’s been no movement by the duly-elected district attorney here.”

Kelly’s attorney denied any wrongdoing and criticized Avenatti amid his own legal troubles.

“Credit to (Michael) Avenatti for moving his alleged fraud from the focus to my client,” Steve Greenberg wrote on Twitter. “As we have said before #RKelly, since being wrongly accused years ago, has always followed the law.”

“We will have no further comment,” Greenberg wrote in a final tweet.

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