
A manager at a Florida Burger King location stood up to two racist bullies who berated him for speaking Spanish
/ July 12, 2019
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The former Florida sheriff’s deputy was charged with several counts stemming from planting phony evidence on unsuspecting people as he pulled them over in traffic stops
/ July 12, 2019
Republican agenda
A new GOP memo falsely blames Democrats for increasing violence instead of white supremacists or alt-right. (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
Jeff and Audra Johnson had a MAGA-themed wedding that included a custom dress, big guns, and an anti-abortion heartbeat bill petition for guests to sign.
/ July 12, 2019
Washington D.C.
(Adobe Stock)
A video has surfaced apparently showing police aiming a taser at a baby being held by a man as people scream for him to be let go, but police say the video was edited to mislead
/ July 12, 2019
Police Car
(Adobe Stock)
Gerald Cole took a bullet to his back, leaving him unable to walk by a cop with a record of complaints. But despite the hefty settlement, the officer is still on the force
/ July 12, 2019