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NFL star Malcolm Jenkins says she's not sure the NFL should return to play this season until they are better…

As the NBA finalizes plans to resume its season, it was revealed today that 16 out of 302 players returning…

The popular Splash Mountain ride at Disney parks will be remade entirely because of its connection with the movie "Song…

A Fox News host got more than she could handle when she had Greater New York Black Lives matter president…

Ohio and a few other states still have a slavery law because of a clause many people don't know about…

States such as California and Arizona are experiencing upticks in coronavirus cases and infectious experts warn that things may be…

Chrystal Kizer has made bail in a case that underscores how sex trafficker can get away with abusing underage women…

A graduate student in New York City found herself on the receiving end of an unprovoked rant by a white…

President Donald Trump says the nation's taxpayers are likely to get a second stimulus check which he say will be…

Local activists from the original Black Panther Party found a series of photos of racial violence victims in a local…

More than 100 shots are fired outside of a block party in Charlotte, North Carolina that was organized to celebrate…

Dr. Anthony Fauci says he believes the NFL would be better served if they emulate the NBA's plan but President…

Manuel Flores was arrested after saying that he dreamed of killing more than 200 Black Lives Matter protesters in a…

Juneteenth may become a Netflix musical as Kenya Barris and Pharrell Williams are reportedly in talks with the streamer to…

Denzel Skinner was fired from Taco Bell for wearing a Black Lives Matter mask but Taco Bell ended up apologizing…

Virginia state senator Jennifer McCllelan announced that she is declaring her campaign for governor for the state for the 2021…

Los Angeles Chargers coach Anthony Lynn said he's open to giving Colin Kaepernick a workout who many blackballed in the…